Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Republicans beware???

The GOP a "religious party"

What an interesting article that actually turns out not to be about political parties as much as it is about morality. Still a good read.

Dr. Dobson's quote about the pendulum swing is what I find so interesting. Sometimes in history we do see this swing that he mentions. And I would agree to a certain degree with the proverbial saying that states, "All that is needed for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing."

As followers of Christ we are to be involved in the culture as an agent of transformation but it isn't the culture that needs transforming it is the human heart. I think we lose sight of that sometimes. We cannot legislate that transformation and if we spend too much time and energy in trying to do so we will not see the desired results, flawed as they are. If we, however, aim our time and energy at the transformation of the human heart, through the Gospel, then maybe those who legislate will reflect more into the culture the values that we ascribe to in following Christ.

Let me try and ask it from another perspective. Let me assume for a minute that the elected official of a state is NOT a follower of Christ. Why would I expect from that official behavior and legislation that is in accord with values that reflect Christ? Believe me, I fully appreciate the truth that God can and does move the human heart of a non-follower to accomplish His will. But for me to assume that a non-follower will do so in a redeemed way is well off the mark. That does not absolve me, or any other follower of Christ from our responsibility but for me to engage in the "culture war" for the sake of the culture is wrong. It is those on the other side of that "culture war" that should be the actual target...right?

I don't know about the condition of the followership of the woman from California who was involved with the Miss USA pageant but according to the morning buzz she lost her crown because she stood up for what has been termed traditional marriage. She has been booed and ridiculed. And maybe she did lose her crown for being so politically incorrect. I applaud her for taking a stand. I believe that her stand reflects the truth of God. Without knowing the condition of her followership I cannot draw any conclusions about the impact on the culture war or the way the pendulum is swing.

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